Training & Certification

Facilitator Training & Certification

Caroline Coleman Bailey and Dennis T. Jaffe PhD offer an informative and insightful Facilitator Training & Certification program to discover how Premier Growth learning tools, FEAT – Family Enterprise Assessment Tool and Family 360, can be a gamechanger for cultivating a thriving legacy. 

What you will learn: 

  • Discover the tools and how they can be used with a family 

  • Learn the process and how to get started 

  • Understand the report and how to deliver results 

After the initial training, ongoing education and support is offered via the Professional Learning Community to learn practical applications and strategies from like-minded professionals. This is an opportunity to gain additional insights, explore family case studies, and learn how FEAT and Family 360 learning tools can be used successfully with families. 

Professional Learning Community

Premier Growth offers offer continued education and support via the Professional Learning Community, a global group of professionals who are trained and certified to use Premier Growth learning tools, FEAT—Family Enterprise Assessment Tool and Family 360. 

Caroline Coleman Bailey and Dennis Jaffe lead quarterly discussions on relevant topics that foster a collaborative approach to learning with like-minded professionals. These discussions provide an opportunity to learn practical applications and strategies for using FEAT and Family 360 with individuals and families while also staying informed about latest developments and offerings. 

Some recent topics have included: 

  • Reporting Out Results with a Family 

  • Creating a Family Action Plan 

  • Exploring Family 360